

克里斯·赫切尔| 2024年5月

沙巴体育安卓版下载个性化的. 正如Wired报道的那样, “homes will soon become intelligent enough to distinguish between family members and guests within physical spaces and adapt to individual needs based on biometrics like fingerprints, 体温甚至我们自己心跳的节奏.”


Your smartphone or a wearable “will authenticate your identity by pairing itself to your specific biometric signature, allowing your home to automatically adjust the lighting and room temperature and play custom music based on personalized preferences and pre-configured profiles.” 


在厨房里, your intelligent refrigerator’s cameras and sensors not only alert you when you’re low on items but reorder them for you. It can even suggest healthier alternatives to what you’re now eating (if you desire). 还有你的洗碗机, range and microwave can all contain preventative maintenance sensors to identify problems before they escalate. 


在浴室里, 你的药柜可以监测药物的消耗量, 提醒您或您的药房即将补充, 并警告潜在的药物相互作用或过敏反应.


The home’s smoke alarms alert you to heat and smoke and can tell if someone is cooking, 壁炉是点燃的,或者你的房子着火了. 如果智能系统检测到炊烟, 它会自动打开排气扇,甚至打开窗户. 如果探测到火灾,系统会立即向消防部门发出警报. 


整个房子, 空气净化器, water filtration systems and air conditioners are also run by preventative maintenance systems that reorder filters based on your appliance models. 这些系统不是基于时间的. Instead, checkup alerts are based on the actual use and duty cycle of each device.


Even the basic infrastructure of your house can contain sensors to identify the source of water damage. 还能通过传感器看到你的墙壁, you can be alerted to the location of termites or other pest infestations — before any damage is done. 






One of the biggest priorities for homeowners is managing energy more efficiently and in real time. 


Intelligent thermostats can align preferred temperature to your routines, 提高效率,降低水电费. 系统,如 巢索赔 拯救你.S. customers an average of 10% to 12% on their heating bills and about 15% on their cooling bills annually. 房主节省开支,为环境尽自己的一份力量.






The intelligent home has come a long way from turning lights on and off with a smartphone. 今天, 这些人工智能系统是连接的家庭生态系统, controlled by dedicated hardware touchscreen panels on your wall or coffee table or in the palm of your hand. 


这些 technologies have almost become an expectation instead of a luxury. Multiple touchscreen edge devices mean that data —and intelligence — is moving closer to the edge and with it comes the requirement to efficiently capture data and make informed decisions with it. 


Many of these devices use minimal data, but others can require quite a lot. 任何流媒体内容每小时都可以使用100MB, 高分辨率安全摄像头每月使用140GB. If your camera has facial recognition, the amount of data used can jump to ~400GB.


This much data means that intelligent home devices require higher DRAM performance for more efficient machine learning execution. 和 embedded storage size will increase as more endpoints are managed by a single edge device. The right selection of memory and storage plays an essential role in supporting these functional and system architectures.


微米’s leading 内存和存储解决方案 are accelerating the growth of IoT devices that power the intelligent home. 我们的 低功耗DRAM (LPDRAM)解决方案 是理想的小尺寸设备,电池寿命是至关重要的. 管理与非 解决方案为代码和数据提供紧凑的非易失性存储. 和 微米ssd have high capacity and superior performance for aggregated data analysis.






微米的高性能, 低功耗, small-footprint memory and storage products are optimized for these always-on devices, 提供必要的特性, performance and reliability to facilitate everything from personalization to energy management. 这些 内存和存储解决方案 使消费者应用程序丰富您的生活并使您的世界自动化.

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Advances in artificial intelligence (AI) and the internet of things (IoT) are revolutionizing intelligent homes. 越来越多地, this technology is becoming mainstream — you no longer have to be tech savvy to enjoy the benefits. 如果你有智能手机和Wi-Fi,那就没问题了.



让我们快速浏览一下智能家居的发展方向. You’ll note from the outset that the smart home is built on 人工智能和机器学习, 这一切都发生在智能边缘设备上. 这些设备都需要足够的性能, 低功率, 以及小内存和存储空间,以提供明智的决策.

We’ll start at the front door, where smart doorbells are among the most popular technologies today. Many have video capabilities, so you can see exactly what’s happening outside. 《沙巴体育安卓版下载》指出 that some smart doorbells even integrate “temperature-taking functionality so that people can screen their guests for one of the most basic COVID-19 indicators before allowing them inside.”

This technology is part of the home’s increasingly sophisticated intelligent security system, 这能让你观察, 远距离指挥和控制. 不仅仅是相机, these AI-based systems can differentiate between the harmless (a neighborhood dog running through your front yard) and the concerning (an unknown figure approaching your front door). 



当我们进入家中,一切都是沙巴体育安卓版下载个性化的. 正如Wired报道的那样, “homes will soon become intelligent enough to distinguish between family members and guests within physical spaces and adapt to individual needs based on biometrics like fingerprints, 体温甚至我们自己心跳的节奏.”

Your smartphone or a wearable “will authenticate your identity by pairing itself to your specific biometric signature, allowing your home to automatically adjust the lighting and room temperature and play custom music based on personalized preferences and pre-configured profiles.” 

在厨房里, your intelligent refrigerator’s cameras and sensors not only alert you when you’re low on items but reorder them for you. It can even suggest healthier alternatives to what you’re now eating (if you desire). 还有你的洗碗机, range and microwave can all contain preventative maintenance sensors to identify problems before they escalate. 

在浴室里, 你的药柜可以监测药物的消耗量, 提醒您或您的药房即将补充, 并警告潜在的药物相互作用或过敏反应.

The home’s smoke alarms alert you to heat and smoke and can tell if someone is cooking, 壁炉是点燃的,或者你的房子着火了. 如果智能系统检测到炊烟, 它会自动打开排气扇,甚至打开窗户. 如果探测到火灾,系统会立即向消防部门发出警报. 

整个房子, 空气净化器, water filtration systems and air conditioners are also run by preventative maintenance systems that reorder filters based on your appliance models. 这些系统不是基于时间的. Instead, checkup alerts are based on the actual use and duty cycle of each device.

Even the basic infrastructure of your house can contain sensors to identify the source of water damage. 还能通过传感器看到你的墙壁, you can be alerted to the location of termites or other pest infestations — before any damage is done. 



One of the biggest priorities for homeowners is managing energy more efficiently and in real time. 

Intelligent thermostats can align preferred temperature to your routines, 提高效率,降低水电费. 系统,如 巢索赔 拯救你.S. customers an average of 10% to 12% on their heating bills and about 15% on their cooling bills annually. 房主节省开支,为环境尽自己的一份力量.



The intelligent home has come a long way from turning lights on and off with a smartphone. 今天, 这些人工智能系统是连接的家庭生态系统, controlled by dedicated hardware touchscreen panels on your wall or coffee table or in the palm of your hand. 

这些 technologies have almost become an expectation instead of a luxury. Multiple touchscreen edge devices mean that data —and intelligence — is moving closer to the edge and with it comes the requirement to efficiently capture data and make informed decisions with it. 

Many of these devices use minimal data, but others can require quite a lot. 任何流媒体内容每小时都可以使用100MB, 高分辨率安全摄像头每月使用140GB. If your camera has facial recognition, the amount of data used can jump to ~400GB.

This much data means that intelligent home devices require higher DRAM performance for more efficient machine learning execution. 和 embedded storage size will increase as more endpoints are managed by a single edge device. The right selection of memory and storage plays an essential role in supporting these functional and system architectures.

微米’s leading 内存和存储解决方案 are accelerating the growth of IoT devices that power the intelligent home. 我们的 低功耗DRAM (LPDRAM)解决方案 是理想的小尺寸设备,电池寿命是至关重要的. 管理与非 解决方案为代码和数据提供紧凑的非易失性存储. 和 微米ssd have high capacity and superior performance for aggregated data analysis.



微米的高性能, 低功耗, small-footprint memory and storage products are optimized for these always-on devices, 提供必要的特性, performance and reliability to facilitate everything from personalization to energy management. 这些 内存和存储解决方案 使消费者应用程序丰富您的生活并使您的世界自动化.

Sr. 细分市场经理


克里斯Hoecher is responsible for strategic marketing in the consumer segment of 微米’s Embedded Business Unit. He has 30+ years of experience in consumer electronics with an emphasis on video delivery and technology evolution. 科罗拉多人, 他喜欢钓鱼和户外活动, seeking to find the less traveled pathways through the Rocky Mountain West.