
The "EPYC' leap into next-gen data centers: 微米's contribution

拉里·哈特| 2019年10月

沙巴体育结算平台的理想匹配, 高性能美光9300 NVMe™固态硬盘. Both AMD and 微米 highlight continuous innovation for data-centric workloads such as database 应用程序, 大数据分析和软件定义存储解决方案.

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服务器技术的激动人心的时刻! I joined an enthusiastic crowd and impressive set of AMD customers for the launch of the AMD EPYC™7002系列处理器, the second generation of server processors based on the ‘Zen 2’ architecture. AMD claims that its EPYC 7002 processors, which were designed to leapfrog server technology, 创造了80项新的CPU性能世界纪录 在发布时跨越各种工作负载.

美光与AMD EPYC生态系统结盟


与大多数处理器发布不同的是, AMD突出工作负载性能, 不仅仅是速度和馈入, 包括合作伙伴和oem的生态系统. AMD’s workload focus aligns with how we approach storage solutions at 微米 and provides a customer-centric view of the markets that AMD supports. Many of these highly performant workloads included 微米 as an integral part of in the solution. 微米 storage and memory accelerated performance of the AMD EPYC 7002 series processor in several workloads. 例如, AMD reported impressive performance by its top-of-the-line EPYC™ 7742 processor in the following environments

  • Microsoft SQL Server – ~1.数据库吞吐量是Intel Xeon Platinum 8280的46倍
  • GROMACS – ~1.6X the molecular dynamic simulations of benchmark results with Intel Xeon Platinum 8280
  • 牵牛星收音机 – ~72% faster results for finite element structural analysis when compared to the Intel Xeon Platinum 8280
  • ANSYS流利 – ~2X the computation fluid dynamics when compared to an Intel Xeon Platinum 8280 powered server

AMD EPYC 7002系列处理器是不同的和更好的


This new generation of server processor continues to deliver a revolutionary single-socket approach – offering the performance of dual socket at single socket economics. The AMD EPYC 7002 processors have between 8 and 64 physical cores, plus up to 128 Simultaneous Multi-Threading (SMT) process threads, 在单或双插座配置. They also have up to 256MB of L3 cache per processor and are the first x86 data center CPUs to support PCIe® 4.0和更快的带宽.

128通道PCIe®4.0在单个套接字解决方案中可用, 第二代AMD EPYC处理器是新沙巴体育结算平台的理想匹配, 高性能美光9300 NVMe™固态硬盘. Both AMD and 微米 highlight continuous innovation for data-centric workloads such as database 应用程序, 大数据分析和软件定义存储解决方案.




微米 got a vote of confidence when AMD requested our 微米 High-Performance 9300 固态硬盘s with NVMe™ for the EPYC 7002 series processor media testing kits and the client sample kits. g, 例如, has already announced new 服务器 with the 微米 9300 固态硬盘 for storage on EPYC 7002 processor 服务器. 这些驱动器提供多达15.36TB of usable capacity, enabling more data to be cached from NVMe storage near the CPU. 3.5 GB/秒的带宽用于顺序读写, 9300 ssd可以并行处理一些进程, 使工作负载的交付速度是单个线程的两倍.

The 微米 9300 固态硬盘 offers large capacities and up to 32 NVMe namespaces, so enterprises can tailor their deployments more efficiently for maximum storage use. Simply put, our 9300 固态硬盘s enable more users and transactions per box.

我们测试了这个解决方案, 使用AMD EPYC 7002系列处理器与RHEL和Ubuntu, and found even better results than we had reported earlier in the 微米 9300 固态硬盘 datasheet, 使用多个OEM非AMD处理器的服务器. Using RHEL random write IOPS increased 15% due since the additional cores/threads increased the drive queue depth.




另外,美光即将发布首款64GB内存 3200 MT/s rdimm (MTA36ASF8G72PZ-3G2B2) for the data center in anticipation of the improved workload and application potential in the new 2nd Gen EPYC processor based 服务器. These were the memory models used in many of the performance tests. 新的注册内存不仅更快, but they also double the density of our previous generation of RDIMMs due to being built with 16Gb die. 查看本文讨论的微米 DDR4工作负载 Eric Caward在他的EPYC博客中写道.

RDIMM Small yet high-performance DDR4 memory pairs well: 微米’s 64GB 3200 MT/s RDIMM



作为美光公司生态系统开发的领导者, 我向AMD专注于与庞大的生态系统合作的做法致敬, 跨越oem厂商, odm, csp, 终端客户, isv, 和IHVs, 像美光. 在发射现场聚集的人群令人印象深刻, but even more impressive were the results that AMD revealed at the event. Analyst Patrick Moorhead noted some of the key players in his Forbes article called, AMD And Its 合作伙伴 Deliver Big At 2nd Generation EPYC Datacenter Launch.

AMD EPYC 7002系列发布会上的美光团队 AMD EPYC 7002系列发布会上的美光团队, 从左至右:Will Mulhern, 高级经理, 企业生态系统, CNBU; Malcolm Humphrey, 营销副总裁, CNBU; Tom Eby, 高级副总裁兼总经理, CNBU; Derek Dicker, 高级副总裁兼总经理, 在布; me, 合作伙伴和联盟主管, 在布.


期待更多沙巴体育安卓版下载这个激动人心的话题. 请在X上关注我们,了解美光的最新动态 @微米Tech 和我们联系在一起 LinkedIn.

All information herein is provided on as “AS IS” basis without warranties of any kind, 包括任何默示保证, warranties of merchantability or warranties of fitness for a particular purpose. 微米, the 微米 logo, and all other 微米 trademarks are the property of 美光科技有限公司. The EPYC and AMD are marks, logos and designs of Advanced Micro Devices, In. 并经许可使用. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. 美光不对损失承担任何责任, stolen or corrupted data arising from the use of any 微米 product, including those products that incorporate any of the mentioned security features. 沙巴体育结算平台 are warranted only to meet 微米’s production data sheet specifications. 沙巴体育结算平台, programs and specifications are subject to change without notice.

Sr. 解决方案营销总监


As the Senior Director of Solutions 市场ing for 微米’s 存储 Business Unit, 拉里·哈特 is deeply committed to creating and marketing impactful technology solutions. 具有多方面的定价背景, 沙巴体育结算平台营销, 海外市场营销, 沙巴体育结算平台管理, 生态系统发展, he leads our strategic efforts to drive better technological alignment within our ecosystem, 用客户的声音传达我们的解决方案, 为我们的客户提供最大的商业价值.