

芭芭拉Kolbl | 2023年3月

沙巴体育结算平台的最开始就开始了. 像这样, we are proud of holding the unique distinction of being the safest memory currently in the industry. 当我们审视我们提供的安全能力时, 我们认识到美光的解决方案是 更安全的 行业解决方案.





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Sitting back and letting your autonomous car drive you to work may still be a couple of years away, however automotive OEMs are rolling out advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) 应用程序 that play a key role in helping the driver make safer driving decisions. 作为消费者, I love having the extra protection and notification of what is happening around me and once I get used to driving a car with these features, 没有它们,几乎不可能回到车上.

实现自动驾驶汽车的愿景, 复杂的范围很广, state-of-the-art technologies that need to come together seamlessly and operate flawlessly over the lifetime of the vehicle. 全面的, whether they are revolutionary sensor technologies that are fused together to realize perfect “vision,” or computing platforms that are in excess of thousands of tera operations per second (TOPS) of compute performance, the technology that is required to create the fully functional self-driving car is some of the most demanding across any market segment.

The demands on memory and storage performance to achieve this breakthrough is no exception. Level 2+ and Level 3 ADAS functionality is driving the need for 256-to-512-bit memory bus widths of LP5X that operate at an I/O signaling rate of 8.5 gbps. And while the overused tagline of “data center on wheels” has run its course – self-driving cars really do require best in class, 数据中心的性能, 可靠性和安全性. 因此,美光介绍 更安全的 automotive memory that provides unique capabilities for functional safety with engineering leadership and random and systematic fault coverage. 这 更安全的 framework provides guidance when considering breakthrough automotive memory solutions and support.

核心是极高的可靠性和整个系统的完整性, there has been increased focus on the different elements of a given system and the impact on overall functional safety. 随着软件足迹有望从 1亿行代码 in today’s high-end vehicle to something on the order of 1 billion lines of code 在未来, automotive memory has moved from the back seat to the front seat in terms of importance.

With more than 30 years of memory and storage experience in the automotive market, 微米 recognized the role of memory would play in 寻址 the increased complexity of functional safety. 功能安全将是实现自动驾驶汽车的关键.

微米 has made significant investments in functional safety technology and processes to ensure that, 作为汽车行业领先的内存和存储供应商, we will supply best-in-class products that are designed with the most stringent safety requirements in mind. 在美光,这个过程从沙巴体育结算平台的最开始就开始了. 像这样, we are proud of holding the unique distinction of being the safest memory currently in the industry. 当我们审视我们提供的安全能力时, 我们认识到美光的解决方案是 更安全的 行业解决方案.



从以人为中心到机器-机器的自治系统层次信息图 Figure 1: Infographic of autonomy systems' levels from Human-centric to Machine-machine

考虑到这些系统对车辆控制的影响, it is important that all the components that go into these systems meet the strictest quality and safety standards. The ISO 26262 standard has established the ASIL (automotive safety integrity level) standard which ranges from A to D to specify the requisite safety level of the various systems within the vehicle. ASIL A是最低的指标,ASIL D是最高的指标. 正确看待事物, 1 FIT意味着该部件在10亿个运行小时内发生1次故障. 这 means that the product of the number of devices and their operating hours should be 1 billion. So, the FIT rate can be the number of failures in 1 million devices for 1000 operating hours or 1000 devices for 1 million hours.


asil等级系统信息图 图2:asil等级系统

微米 is the world leader in automotive memory and works closely with our customers to understand ISO requirements and we recently introduced LPDDR5 微米 更安全的 汽车存储器——业界首款符合ASIL-D LPDDR5标准的存储器.

微米定义 更安全的 汽车存储器为:

S =目前业界最安全的解决方案

  • 业界首款符合ISO 26262 ASIL d标准的内存
  • 美光安全办公室负责管理全公司的ISO 26262流程

A 汽车思维

  • 超过30年的汽车行业的承诺
  • 汽车 leadership - DRAM, NAND, NOR capabilities: FuSa (functional safety), security

F =故障范围

  • ASIL D系统故障覆盖-随机故障覆盖的安全元素
  • 实时故障检测, 捕获顶级故障模式(TLFM), 数据损坏, 寻址, 数据丢失

E =工程领导

  • Architecture team works closely with OEM customers to optimize 微米 memory to their system design
  • 13 dedicated engineering labs worldwide to support customers in the early stages of their design and then during bring up to ensure the fastest time to market with the lowest risk

R =风险管理

  • 减少内存集成商支持,最高级别的安全保证
  • 完整的安全相关文件,支持客户进行安全分析

微米 continues to raise the bar by striving for quality memory standards for automotive, which are defined as: …a measure of excellence or a state of being free from defects, 缺陷和显著差异…….1 微米 更安全的 automotive memory is striving for: the absence from risk due to hazards caused by the failure of E/E systems during operation… to improve safety, 检测故障和控制故障.e.,. 移除或消除不确定性. 2

1. 检测和控制可以在供应商层面或系统集成商层面进行.
2. 基于 ISO 26262文档

微米的 更安全的 汽车记忆博客系列

这 series provides insight and guidance when considering breakthrough automotive memory solutions and support. 更安全的 incorporates five key concepts: (S) Safest solution currently available in the industry, (A)汽车思维, (F)故障覆盖率, (E)工程领导和(R)风险管理. 每个字母与首字母缩略词相关联 更安全的 是否有相关内容的相应博客. 查看美光的功能安全页面,了解更多博客信息: 汽车功能安全|美光科技有限公司.

Sr. DRAM沙巴体育结算平台线运营经理


芭芭拉Kolbl, 高级沙巴体育结算平台线运营经理, 对汽车行业的变化着迷吗. Her previous role in marketing communication for the automotive market segment along with her current role in LPDRAM operations allows her a front row seat to the changes happening in this dynamic market.