
Managing risks within functional safety

芭芭拉Kolbl | September 2023

沙巴体育结算平台的不断增加, 功能安全显然正成为半导体供应商更加关注的问题. 通过其汽车沙巴体育结算平台组合中的沙巴体育结算平台符合jedec标准并被指定为汽车合格沙巴体育结算平台, 美光根据其指定的SAFER方法,满足了汽车行业对功能安全支持的需求. Available today and ready for production, 微米’s LPDDR5 memory designed under its SAFER framework, 是专为业界最复杂的先进驾驶辅助系统(ADAS)设计的解决方案。.


Managing risk at the component and system levels


当今汽车中加速部署的ADAS凸显了功能安全的重要性. 随着oem和Tier 15开发出具有越来越多半导体含量的安全关键型ecu,当今汽车对ADAS性能要求的显著提高,凸显了半导体功能安全的重要性. 随着车载信息娱乐功能与ADAS交织在一起,功能安全变得越来越重要, thereby affecting system-level functional safety. At the system level, semiconductor memory and storage devices need to meet strict safety requirements, 比如ISO 26262.


ISO 26262将功能安全定义为“不存在由于电气/电子系统故障行为引起的危害而造成的不合理风险”.该标准还规定,故障分为两种类型:系统故障和随机故障. 功能安全的两个关键组成部分——系统故障覆盖和随机故障覆盖——侧重于支持设备按设计和预期的方式运行, when intermittent, random errors occur, they can be flagged. 通过标记随机故障,整个系统可以分析这些故障并做出适当的响应.



  • Educational (such as training staff on ISO 26262)
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  • 组织性(如设立专门的安全办公室,获得外部或内部安全认证)
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  • Informational (such as providing additional documents and review requirements)
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每增加一个ASIL(汽车安全完整性级别),就需要在沙巴体育结算平台开发过程中采取更多步骤. ASIL D is the most stringent level of certification for functional safety, 从而在沙巴体育结算平台开发过程中添加最多的步骤.


ISO 26262 compliance delivering decreased risk


While a fully ISO 26262, asil - d认证组件为集成商提供最严格的安全级别, the ISO 26262 standard outlines three alternative, recognized approaches to address reduced risk level for systematic failures:

  • 质量管理硬件(QM HW)要素评价(硬件评价)
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  • Proven-in-use QM HW elements
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  • ASIL decomposition
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Per the ISO 26262 standard, for Class III hardware elements, 根据ISO 26262-8:2018,硬件评估方法只能用于过渡时期, 条款13.4.4.1、下一个版本的硬件元件计划按照ISO 26262标准开发. For future designs that employ this same Class III device, the device should go through a formal compliance certification process. 如果市场上有已认证符合ISO 26262规范的现有部件, 该装置应在设计中使用,而不是采用硬件评估方法. 这种选择可以管理风险,降低集成复杂性,并最终降低总体成本.


根据ISO 26262-8标准,LPDDR DRAM应被归类为III类HW元件, 条款13.4.1.1.

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R = risk management – 微米 SAFER memory

虽然功能安全要求历来由汽车tier 1和oem解决, 随着当今和未来车辆系统级复杂性和电子沙巴体育结算平台的不断增加, 功能安全显然正成为半导体供应商更加关注的问题. 通过其汽车沙巴体育结算平台组合中的沙巴体育结算平台符合jedec标准并被指定为汽车合格沙巴体育结算平台, 美光根据其指定的SAFER方法,满足了汽车行业对功能安全支持的需求. Available today and ready for production, 微米’s LPDDR5 memory designed under its SAFER framework, 是专为业界最复杂的先进驾驶辅助系统(ADAS)设计的解决方案。.

Managing risk at the component and system levels

当今汽车中加速部署的ADAS凸显了功能安全的重要性. 随着oem和Tier 15开发出具有越来越多半导体含量的安全关键型ecu,当今汽车对ADAS性能要求的显著提高,凸显了半导体功能安全的重要性. 随着车载信息娱乐功能与ADAS交织在一起,功能安全变得越来越重要, thereby affecting system-level functional safety. At the system level, semiconductor memory and storage devices need to meet strict safety requirements, 比如ISO 26262.

ISO 26262将功能安全定义为“不存在由于电气/电子系统故障行为引起的危害而造成的不合理风险”.该标准还规定,故障分为两种类型:系统故障和随机故障. 功能安全的两个关键组成部分——系统故障覆盖和随机故障覆盖——侧重于支持设备按设计和预期的方式运行, when intermittent, random errors occur, they can be flagged. 通过标记随机故障,整个系统可以分析这些故障并做出适当的响应.


  • Educational (such as training staff on ISO 26262)
  • 组织性(如设立专门的安全办公室,获得外部或内部安全认证)
  • Informational (such as providing additional documents and review requirements)

每增加一个ASIL(汽车安全完整性级别),就需要在沙巴体育结算平台开发过程中采取更多步骤. ASIL D is the most stringent level of certification for functional safety, 从而在沙巴体育结算平台开发过程中添加最多的步骤.

ISO 26262 compliance delivering decreased risk

While a fully ISO 26262, asil - d认证组件为集成商提供最严格的安全级别, the ISO 26262 standard outlines three alternative, recognized approaches to address reduced risk level for systematic failures:

  • 质量管理硬件(QM HW)要素评价(硬件评价)
  • Proven-in-use QM HW elements
  • ASIL decomposition

Per the ISO 26262 standard, for Class III hardware elements, 根据ISO 26262-8:2018,硬件评估方法只能用于过渡时期, 条款13.4.4.1、下一个版本的硬件元件计划按照ISO 26262标准开发. For future designs that employ this same Class III device, the device should go through a formal compliance certification process. 如果市场上有已认证符合ISO 26262规范的现有部件, 该装置应在设计中使用,而不是采用硬件评估方法. 这种选择可以管理风险,降低集成复杂性,并最终降低总体成本.

根据ISO 26262-8标准,LPDDR DRAM应被归类为III类HW元件, 条款13.4.1.1.

Classification Criteria Table Classification Criteria Table


使用中验证质量管理(QM)硬件元素方法依赖于评估退货材料的概况,并基于少量退货商品授权(rma)。. 这种方法可以证明它们在安全应用中的使用是合理的,并且在现场需要大约500万个组件.

This approach can also take four to six years to achieve an ASIL-D certification. Considering possible delays of the supply chain, shipped volumes and operating hours, the proven-in-use approach provides a lower level of safety assurance, has inherent high risk and is not recommended as a sustainable approach.

ASIL decomposition is described in ISO26262-9:2018, clause 5. 简单来说, ASIL分解是一种向系统添加冗余以减少系统部分所需ASIL的结构化方法. While ASIL decomposition can be used for successive generations of products, unlike hardware evaluation, 由于冗余,它可能导致系统总成本和组件数量的显著增加. 另外, because ASIL decomposition focuses on fault detection over avoidance, there is potential for a significant impact on overall system availability.


While alternatives are available to achieve the target ASIL KPIs, 风险最低、上市时间最快的方法是采用asil - d认证/兼容的组件,如美光的LPDDR5 asil - d兼容内存.

Learn more about the industry’s first JEDEC-compliant ISO 26262, ASIL-D-certified/compliant memory, which is available in production today. For additional details, reference the functional safety page 在微米.com for insights on DRAM in safety-critical automobile systems, automotive megatrends 和更多的.

The 微米 SAFER automotive memory blog series

本系列在考虑突破性的汽车内存解决方案和支持时提供见解和指导. SAFER incorporates five key concepts: (S) safest solution currently available in the industry, (A) automotive mindset, (F) 故障覆盖率, (E) engineering leadership and (R) risk management. 与首字母缩略词SAFER相关的每个字母都有一个相应的博客,其中包含相关的内容. Check 微米’s functional safety page for info on additional blogs: First to Functional Safety | 微米 Technology, Inc.


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1. Exida是一家专业从事自动化系统安全和其他安全专业领域的沙巴体育结算平台认证和知识公司.

Sr. DRAM Product Line Operations Manager


芭芭拉Kolbl, senior product line operations manager, is fascinated with the changes memory is driving in the automotive industry. 她之前在汽车市场领域的营销传播职位,以及目前在LPDRAM业务的职位,使她能够在这个动态市场中了解发生的变化.