

科恩·德·贝克尔 | 2023年8月



The most interesting recent development in our AI re搜索 is generative AI, a type of machine learning (ML) that actually “creates” text, video, 图片和其他内容, 基于用户提示或对话. 例子包括 ChatGPT™, DALL-E™, 吟游诗人™. 今天’s AI models excel in ingesting lots of data, identifying patterns and pinpointing root causes from a diagnostic perspective. They also allow us to be proactive with simulation-based solutions. These are the two key areas AI has been used for — until now.

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在微米, we are using 人工智能 (AI) to foundationally optimize our manufacturing processes — across the front end and engineering all the way through to assembly and testing. We’re building something that is completely differentiated, with much higher levels of accuracy and great promise for the future. It’s truly been transformative; you could say that, 制造质量, 效率和准确性, 这是一款杀手级应用.

We’re seeing in real time how AI can augment and empower our engineers. 今天, these experts no longer have to focus on acquiring data and doing multiple base analyses. 而不是, they can concentrate on what they’re good at— thinking creatively and innovating insights and actions that could help develop efficient, 可持续发展的沙巴体育结算平台.

The most interesting recent development in our AI re搜索 is generative AI, a type of machine learning (ML) that actually “creates” text, video, 图片和其他内容, 基于用户提示或对话. 例子包括 ChatGPT™, DALL-E™, 吟游诗人™. 今天’s AI models excel in ingesting lots of data, identifying patterns and pinpointing root causes from a diagnostic perspective. They also allow us to be proactive with simulation-based solutions. These are the two key areas AI has been used for — until now.

科恩·德·贝克尔 shares examples of the benefits derived from smart infrastructure and AR technologies at 微米 manufacturing sites.


今天, 70% to 80% of AI re搜索ers are focused on generative AI — and that’s not just because of ChatGPT™ buzz. It’s also because of the profound potential benefits to enterprise businesses.

With generative AI, we can “prescribe” actions to team members. 这是, we use this new machine learning to go beyond finding a problem’s root cause, 而是提供有形的, 主动的行动. 例如, 当团队成员早上到达时, they need to understand what to do and when to do it to be most productive. Now, with generative AI, we can deliver that exact information in a prioritized, quantifiable way.

在微米, one of our major 应用程序 of generative AI is in our “smart 搜索es.” Think of internet 搜索 engine results — the ones you have to click on or comb through to understand their value. 现在考虑一个ChatGPT查询, which does all this evaluation for you and presents it in a comprehensive summary. We are applying that level of smart functionality to 微米. 效率是惊人的.

很明显,我们已经深入到 第四次工业革命 ——互联时代—— as digital technologies connect virtually every aspect of life 和工作. From cars to refrigerators to manufacturing equipment, increasing arrays of inanimate objects are becoming smart. They use AI not only to assist us with tasks but even to perform them in our stead, learning with each transaction how to do the job better and making decisions autonomously.


在微米, 我们还在早期阶段, but the use of AI is quickly scaling across the company — and it’s been transformative across all departments. 我们用它 image, sound and temperature analysis in the front-end manufacturing process, but we’re also applying AI automation in engineering functions and in assembly and testing. AI analyzes innovative data science 应用程序 in yield analytics, digital-twin规划, 物联网(IoT)和图像分析, 优化和高级算法, 过程自动化和移动应用程序. Next, we’re expanding our use of AI into operations and business functions. We believe this is where we’ll actually see the greatest influence.

This initiative is powered by our technology backbone, a cloud Al/ML platform to increase scalability of solutions across our global network. 我们继续加强我们的资讯科技堆栈, 部署更多传感器和边缘智能, enabling more 5G connectivity and advancing the adoption of augmented reality (AR) guidance and deviation-detection systems.

We’re beginning to see a complete smart ecosystem, with an Al approach across the entire enterprise. 美光正在推进这一发展 2亿美元的人工智能风险基金 to collaborate with startups and to develop a joint data science program with key equipment and material suppliers and partners.

Our teams are excited about what this new technology is enabling. Being freed up from mundane tasks to think more creatively opens a world of possibilities. Generative AI — that’s where the big wave of innovation is coming from.

副总裁,智能制造 & AI


科恩·德·贝克尔 is the Vice President of smart manufacturing and 人工智能 at 微米 Technology. He is responsible for driving 微米's smart manufacturing initiatives and digital operations including capabilities with IoT, 人工智能, 先进的分析, cognitive computing and machine learning to enhance our business, 全球运营和沙巴体育结算平台开发.
