
More than an investment: Sphere shows the metaverse has a business angle too!

Gayathri (G) Radhakrishnan , Ning Khang Lee | March 2022

沙巴体育结算平台和愿景不仅仅是一个点:它有一个发展路线图,以满足运营需求, scale and security.


How has the collaboration paid off?


After months of collaboration with Sphere on a solution, 我们取得了优异的成绩,以至于我们现在正在考虑扩张计划. The initial implementation running today is a remote expert-assistance system. Sphere提供了一定程度的“超越肩膀”虚拟支持,大大减少了工具停机时间. Since the start of the project, the teams estimate that they have avoided over 3,000 hours of machine downtime. 这不仅在COVID-19旅行限制期间有所帮助,而且将成为我们应对复杂故障排除工具的第一道防线,这些工具需要来自设备合作伙伴的外部专业知识或来自姐妹站点的内部专业知识.


我们现在正处于ar辅助操作和维护程序的试点阶段. Early results indicate fewer errors in maintenance activities, allowing us to squeeze more efficiency from our massive and costly machines. 除此之外, 我们还与建设团队合作,通过减少晶圆厂建设期间的变更订单数量,评估使用这项技术来提高成本效率.


What’s so appealing about the Sphere solution?


Three main points make the Sphere solution very specific and appealing:

  1. 安全 – 微米 works with equipment from several cutting-edge vendors, and our process is highly customized. 任何从工厂流出的视频流都必须符合我们的内部安全标准. 例如, features on Sphere form a “virtual curtain,” making it easy to maintain the confidentiality of all parties. We are migrating all Sphere services to be hosted on our private cloud, mitigating this risk even further.
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  3. Completeness – Sphere provides AR solutions that are not “static” workflows. They support robust machine vision, 或者在空间中“看到”机器并执行异常检测以减少浪费的可能性.
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  5. Ecosystem – Sphere has done a great job of building out their ecosystem. 结果是, 他们的解决方案提供了更广泛的功能集来满足客户需求-例如,可以将数千种标准操作程序(sop)转换为AR格式而不是手动转换的自动转换器. Sphere impressed us for other reasons as well
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As it turns out, Sphere is unique in another way. As an investor, 美光不仅寻求强大的技术,还希望获得客户的信心. In the case of Sphere, 我们是从美光的智能制造团队和其他客户那里得到的. Sphere is in a compelling market space that really makes it stand out among peers. 出于这个原因,美光成为这个故事的战略组成部分非常重要.


We on the 合资企业 team appreciated that Sphere was focusing on key market segments and offering the strongest and most intuitive software platform in terms of technology, performance and price. In a short period and with limited resources, the 公司 has seen exceptionally strong product-market fit. It has a number of leading enterprise customers, 有大量的机会扩大与现有客户的服务,并招募新客户.



  • Single comprehensive platform for multiple use cases, 包括能够在功能之间无缝切换而无需更改平台的解决方案合作伙伴.
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  • 前瞻性的沙巴体育结算平台路线图,反映了最新一代硬件的空间计算能力.
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  • 用于导入客户数据(CAD和3D)的3D资产管道,以便在混合现实设备上渲染
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  • 支持 for digital collaboration and interaction based on mixed reality
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  • Inspection of models in real-life sizes with mixed reality
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  • 与硬件无关的解决方案,可以集成到公共企业资源规划(ERP)系统中.
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It’s an exciting time in the world of AR and VR. 考虑到所有将成为热门“虚拟世界”体验一部分的酷机会,这无疑是令人着迷的. 但是企业元宇宙现在就在这里,这里有很多真正的商业机会. 这种有趣的合作为对未来的看法如何影响现在提供了明确而有意义的教训.

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增强现实(AR)和虚拟现实(VR)细分市场存在感知问题, 在某些方面. 当提到AR或VR时,听众很有可能立即想到娱乐用途. 想象一下,朋友们在手机上冒险进行一场虚拟的寻宝游戏,或者一个戴着耳机的玩家虚拟地征服了一个虚拟世界.

These uses are real, but there’s so much more. 越来越多的真实和富有成效的业务用例被XR(扩展现实)增强。. 事实上, 我们之所以投资Sphere,是因为我们想要在制造车间解决真正的挑战.

What led to our partnering with Sphere?

Prior to the pandemic, 美光的智能制造部门正在评估使用AR和混合现实方法的劳动生产率解决方案. While we 搜索ed for possible solutions, 我们也意识到美光风险投资团队在这个市场领域的广泛曝光. After an initial call, 我们联合起来,彻底审查能够满足美光需求的公司和创新解决方案,为我们未来的成功做好准备.

选择Sphere作为理想的合作伙伴来解决半导体制造业务所面临的一些独特挑战是一项艰巨的任务, concentrated efforts. 深入的审查过程包括评估最佳技术的多个软件解决方案, 鲁棒性, roadmap and cost. Sphere对未来5到10年的沙巴体育结算平台和愿景不仅仅是一个点:它有一个发展路线图,以满足运营需求, scale and security.

How has the collaboration paid off?

After months of collaboration with Sphere on a solution, 我们取得了优异的成绩,以至于我们现在正在考虑扩张计划. The initial implementation running today is a remote expert-assistance system. Sphere提供了一定程度的“超越肩膀”虚拟支持,大大减少了工具停机时间. Since the start of the project, the teams estimate that they have avoided over 3,000 hours of machine downtime. 这不仅在COVID-19旅行限制期间有所帮助,而且将成为我们应对复杂故障排除工具的第一道防线,这些工具需要来自设备合作伙伴的外部专业知识或来自姐妹站点的内部专业知识.

我们现在正处于ar辅助操作和维护程序的试点阶段. Early results indicate fewer errors in maintenance activities, allowing us to squeeze more efficiency from our massive and costly machines. 除此之外, 我们还与建设团队合作,通过减少晶圆厂建设期间的变更订单数量,评估使用这项技术来提高成本效率.

What’s so appealing about the Sphere solution?

Three main points make the Sphere solution very specific and appealing:

  1. 安全 – 微米 works with equipment from several cutting-edge vendors, and our process is highly customized. 任何从工厂流出的视频流都必须符合我们的内部安全标准. 例如, features on Sphere form a “virtual curtain,” making it easy to maintain the confidentiality of all parties. We are migrating all Sphere services to be hosted on our private cloud, mitigating this risk even further.
  2. Completeness – Sphere provides AR solutions that are not “static” workflows. They support robust machine vision, 或者在空间中“看到”机器并执行异常检测以减少浪费的可能性.
  3. Ecosystem – Sphere has done a great job of building out their ecosystem. 结果是, 他们的解决方案提供了更广泛的功能集来满足客户需求-例如,可以将数千种标准操作程序(sop)转换为AR格式而不是手动转换的自动转换器. Sphere impressed us for other reasons as well

As it turns out, Sphere is unique in another way. As an investor, 美光不仅寻求强大的技术,还希望获得客户的信心. In the case of Sphere, 我们是从美光的智能制造团队和其他客户那里得到的. Sphere处于一个引人注目的市场空间,这确实使它在同行中脱颖而出. 出于这个原因,美光成为这个故事的战略组成部分非常重要.

我们风投团队很欣赏Sphere专注于关键细分市场,并提供最强大、最直观的技术软件平台, performance and price. In a short period and with limited resources, the 公司 has seen exceptionally strong product-market fit. It has a number of leading enterprise customers, 有大量的机会扩大与现有客户的服务,并招募新客户.


  • Single comprehensive platform for multiple use cases, 包括能够在功能之间无缝切换而无需更改平台的解决方案合作伙伴.
  • 前瞻性的沙巴体育结算平台路线图,反映了最新一代硬件的空间计算能力.
  • 用于导入客户数据(CAD和3D)的3D资产管道,以便在混合现实设备上渲染
  • 支持 for digital collaboration and interaction based on mixed reality
  • Inspection of models in real-life sizes with mixed reality
  • 与硬件无关的解决方案,可以集成到公共企业资源规划(ERP)系统中.

It’s an exciting time in the world of AR and VR. 考虑到所有将成为热门“虚拟世界”体验一部分的酷机会,这无疑是令人着迷的. 但是企业元宇宙现在就在这里,这里有很多真正的商业机会. 这种有趣的合作为对未来的看法如何影响现在提供了明确而有意义的教训.

Senior Director, Corporate Development

Gayathri Radhakrishnan

G is with 微米 合资企业, investing from our AI fund. 她投资于利用人工智能和机器学习解决制造业关键问题的初创公司, 卫生保健, automotive and beyond. 她在沙巴体育结算平台管理方面拥有20年的多学科经验, product marketing, corporate strategy, M&A and venture investments.

Director, Smart Mfg & AI, Labor Production

Ning Khang Lee

NK leads the productivity pillar of 微米’s Smart Manufacturing team, identifying and implementing Industry 4.0 and AI solutions throughout 微米’s global operations. 微的智能制造计划被公认为行业的基准.